Prof. Norberto Martinez

Prof. Norberto Martinez
Professor Norberto Martinez, MD earned his Doctor of Medicine in 1982 at the University of Santo Tomas, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery where he likewise completed his residency training in Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery.
The first graduate of the Department, he pursued further studies as Fellow in Neuro-Otology at a WHO Collaborating Center for Prevention of Deafness – The Siriraj University, Bangkok Thailand and Zurich University Hospital, Switzerland. With an ardent desire to free Filipinos from the bondage of silence, he joined the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery where he pioneered the science and clinical practice of hearing and balance function by establishing the first hospital-based Center earning the IFOS – ISA – HI Accreditation in the country.
With its establishment, he selflessly shared his knowledge by leading various post-graduate courses for Physicians, and other stakeholders in the aural rehabilitation of deaf individuals and those suffering from balance disorders. Later on, he partnered with Macquarie University in developing the curriculum for Master of Clinical Audiology which, to date, graduated leaders and professionals that form the building blocks of the nation’s ear and hearing health program.
For his contributions and excellence in both teaching and research, he was appointed to various administrative posts including Chairman of the Department of ENT – HNS, and Faculty Council of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. The only Professor of the Department, he continues to lead the innovation in teaching to ensure that Filipinos live with healthy ear and hearing, free from disabilities. A highly regarded Neuro-Otology, Otology, and Audiology specialist, he has been regularly invited to present in local and international scientific meetings. He currently serves as a member of the Board of the Philippine Academy of NeuroOtology, Otology, and Related Sciences, Hearing International, and the Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implants.
An active member of the Philippine Society of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, he was instrumental in the successful hosting of the Asia Pacific Congress on Deafness, establishment of the Philippine Neuro-Otology, Otology, and Related Sciences, and the continuing medical education of ENT Specialists in the area of hearing and balance. Since 2001, he is an active Technical Consultant of the World Health Organization – Prevention of Deafness Program and an international non-government organization, CBM. For his research contribution, he authored and co-authored numerous research and a book chapter contributing innovations and providing bases to many programs for ear and hearing health.