
acare vertigo nudging patients towards better adherence

Vertigo – “Nudging” patients towards better adherence to improve outcomes

Key messages: As described in previous articles, adherence to treatment for patients suffering from chronic pain, a close proxy to patients with vertigo, is a significant issue.1 Low adherence comes with big costs for the patients, their families, and society as whole. The behavioral sciences help us understand the decision-making processes that lead to non-adherence,…

acare vertigo hoe do patient support program

Vertigo – How do Patient Support Programs impact adherence?

Non-adherence is a major issue that can be addressed by PSPs Non-adherence is a major barrier limiting the benefits of clinically effective treatments. Medications that have proven their potential in clinical trials often do not deliver on that potential in the real world because of non-adherence. The numbers speak for themselves: Adherence rates for chronic treatments…

acare vertigo activating patients to improve adherence

Vertigo – Activating patients to improve adherence

Validated survey tools are useful for characterizing patient health behavior As we have seen in other articles, chronic diseases are a global public health issue, increasing in prevalence and associated costs. Patients’ self-management behavior, including adherence to therapeutic recommendations, is the greatest single determinant of their prognosis.1Vertigo is a symptom of peripheral or central vestibular…

acare vertigo the health belief model

Vertigo – Understanding Patient Attitudes: The Health Belief Model

How do people think about their health? Why do people engage in behavior they know is detrimental to their health? With the emergence of modern public healthcare policy after World War II, healthcare professionals began to examine new ways to understand patient behavior. Queries into patient behavior are at the center of the first systematic,…

acare vertigo patient adherence

Vertigo – Patient adherence: An opportunity for improving outcomes

Key Messages Vertigo symptoms are a growing burden for healthcare systems worldwide. Changing demographics and lifestyle trends are driving an unprecedented increase in the prevalence of chronic conditions, which now affect nearly half of all adults and almost 10% of children worldwide. These diseases pose a significant burden on healthcare systems.1 Low- and middle-income countries…

acare vertigo two systems of thought

Vertigo – Two systems of thought: Why “rational” people make “irrational” choices

Key messages: There are many reasons people invoke to explain their medication non-adherence, and often these explanations center around what patients’ individual cost/benefit analysis. Developments in behavioral sciences can shed light on how adherence decisions are made and how providers may influence those decisions for the better. Rational Econs and Irrational Humans do not have…

acare vertigo patient behavior drivers treatment

Patient behavior and the drivers of vertigo treatment adherence

Key Messages Treatment adherence offers a significant opportunity for improved outcomes Characterizing the nature of vertigo treatment non-adherence is challenging given the number of underlying conditions and treatments associated with vertigo. In the narrowest sense, vertigo is caused by peripheral or central vestibular disorders, and common examples of these include benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)…
