For doctors

acare malaysia cardiovascular using tools to assess patient adherence

Using tools to assess patient adherence

Measure and survey tools are useful for characterizing patient health behavior Quantitative methods are useful for characterizing health behavior and supporting patients in the self-management of their conditions. Surveys and questionnaires have the advantages of being easy to implement at the point of care and being acceptable to patients.1 They provide explicit examples and information…

Cardio Metabolic
acare malaysia cardiovascular the role of beliefs in non-adherence

The role of beliefs in non-adherence

Beliefs have an important influence over non-adherence There are a number of important beliefs that can influence patient non-adherence. These include beliefs about their illness, their treatment, and their own capacity, or self-efficacy, to adhere (the belief that they can successfully perform a specific behavior to achieve a desired outcome).1  In the COM-B framework, beliefs…

Cardio Metabolic
acare malaysia understanding adherence from cardiovascular disease perspective

Understanding adherence from a cardiovascular disease perspective

Key message Defining adherence Adherence is a key factor in the effectiveness of therapies for both chronic and acute diseases. This is particularly true for cardiovascular disease, where nonadherence to chronic medications can have a negative impact on both the patient and the healthcare system. Non-adherence is often dubbed the Achilles heel of evidence-based medicine,…

Cardio Metabolic
acare malaysia the adherence challenge in cardiovascular disease

The adherence challenge in cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular diseases have a social and economic impact Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality globally, accounting for 17.9 million deaths a year,1 with around 75-80% of these deaths taking place in low- and middle-income countries.2 For example, in Russia, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in men aged 49 or older.3…

Cardio Metabolic

Behavioral frameworks for understanding patient adherence

Insight on behavioral frameworks that can be used to explain adherence. Led by Professor John Weinman, this second masterclass aims to provide insight into the different behavioral frameworks that can be used to explain adherence. These frameworks include : More details about the time and date of this live masterclass to come soon About Prof.…

How healthcare providers can address non-adherence

Learn techniques on assessing current adherence and “nudging” patients to be more adherent In this third masterclass, Dr Sheri Pruitt will talk about a powerful, evidence-based approach to change patient behavior.  This masterclass will provide tools for healthcare providers to use in order to assess their patients’ current adherence to medication, and how to address…