For doctors

acare masterclass 4 digitalization Malaysia

Vertigo: Digitalization and the role of innovation

Latest developments in digital patient support programs, and how they can positively influence adherence. In this fourth masterclass, Professor John Piette provides insight on the latest developments in digital patient support programs (PSP), demonstrating how they can positively influence adherence in patients.  Prof. John Piette will cover mobile health and why it matters, as well…


Behavioral science and pandemic management

Behavioral science perspective on pandemic outbreak management. This masterclass covers the management of the pandemic from a behavioral science perspective. It looks into the importance of continued adherence during a global pandemic and how to change behavior at short notice.  Read more on this topic: Pandemic outbreak management: a behavioral science perspective Is nudging enough…

acare vertigo the theory of planned behavior

Vertigo – The Theory of Planned Behavior: A Patient’s Control Dilemma

How do people make difficult decisions? How do people decide which career to undertake, what car to buy, or whether to take medication? Important decisions are typically the result of some degree of thought and planning, a process that Daniel Kahneman labelled “System 2” thinking in his groundbreaking book, Thinking Fast and Slow.1 What is…

acare vertigo the transtheoretical model

Vertigo – The Transtheoretical Model and the stages of patient adherence

The Transtheoretical Model: A tool for positive change Vertigo and non-adherence to available therapies is a significant public health issue that affects both individuals and society. In previous articles, we have examined several behavioral theories to understand the mechanisms of patient treatment adherence behavior. The different theories encompass six theoretical perspectives: biomedical, behavioral, communication, cognitive,…

acare vertigo nudging patients towards better adherence

Vertigo – “Nudging” patients towards better adherence to improve outcomes

Key messages: As described in previous articles, adherence to treatment for patients suffering from chronic pain, a close proxy to patients with vertigo, is a significant issue.1 Low adherence comes with big costs for the patients, their families, and society as whole. The behavioral sciences help us understand the decision-making processes that lead to non-adherence,…

acare vertigo personalizing adherence support

Vertigo – Personalizing adherence support with Patient Support Programs

Patient Support Programs are behavioral interventions designed to improve adherence The World Health Organization has identified medication non-adherence as a priority, preventable global healthcare problem made more serious by the socioeconomic conditions in less-industrialized countries. Previous articles in this series discuss patient decision-making, behavioral drivers, and other factors that influence treatment adherence. There are a…

acare vertigo the behavior change wheel

The Behavior Change Wheel: A framework for improving vertigo treatment adherence

Key Messages Improving patient adherence requires an actionable framework Previous articles in this series have established that non-adherence to vertigo treatment is a significant public health issue.1, 2 Adherence problems and their impact on health, costs, and mortality are exacerbated by socio-economic conditions in developing countries.3 Non-adherence is a behavioral problem, and we have discussed…

acare vertigo hoe do patient support program

Vertigo – How do Patient Support Programs impact adherence?

Non-adherence is a major issue that can be addressed by PSPs Non-adherence is a major barrier limiting the benefits of clinically effective treatments. Medications that have proven their potential in clinical trials often do not deliver on that potential in the real world because of non-adherence. The numbers speak for themselves: Adherence rates for chronic treatments…
